


The object of this policy is to specify the minimum items to be included in the monthly minutes.


  1. Using complete names, the secretary (or other recording officer) needs to list who is attending and who is absent at Board and General Membership Meetings.
  2. The Secretary (or other recording officer) needs to sign the minutes when they are filed and/or distributed.
  3. Copies of minutes need to be distributed to staff personnel as well as Board members.
  4. The minutes should be distributed as soon as possible following the meeting, within a business week if practical.
  1. Minutes should be kept along with other documents from the Board in a location for archival purposes. Toward this goal, minutes will be stored on the web.
  2. Distribution should be via the US Postal system email, web storage or in person.
  3. The Secretary shall ensure that an electronic copy of the minutes is delivered to the WP webmaster for inclusion on the web.

Date Change Summary

  • 11/97 Item number 2 is included.
  • 4/21/98 Initial inclusion in P&P Manual
  • 01/19/98 Item number 1 included
  • 12/87 Board instructions in 12/87, repeated in 11/97 and 3/31/98 1997, and March 31, 1998).

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