Brighton Beach Memoirs (past show)

By Neil Simon
Presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals
Director: Lisa Velardi
From September 8 to September 24, 2023


Part one of Neil Simon's autobiographical trilogy draws a portrait of the writer as a young teen in 1937 living with his family in the crowded, lower middle-class Brooklyn
neighborhood of Brighton Beach. Eugene Jerome, standing in for the author, is the narrator and focus of the play. Obsessed with baseball and girls, Eugene must cope
with the mundanity of family life in Brooklyn: his formidable Jewish mother Kate, his overworked father Jack, and his worldly older brother Stanley. Cram the apartment
with his widowed Aunt Blanche, her two young (but rapidly maturing) daughters (Nora and Laurie) and you have a recipe for hilarity. This bittersweet memoir evocatively
captures the life of a struggling Jewish household where, as Jack states, "If you didn't have a problem, you wouldn't be living here."

  • Jennifer Lent as Blanch
  • Erica Buzard as Laurie
  • Jake Swery as Stanley
  • Jack Zeis as Eugene
  • Georgia Hester as Nora
  • Elina Blaha as Kate
  • Sam Miller as Jack
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