
Policies and Procedures: Season Development


To enumerate the baseline expectations for developing a balanced season of five shows that will both entertain and educate our patrons and staff. There is always a struggle between art and finances, between well-known and first time runs. The key is balance and keeping the long-term organizational goals fixed in mind as well as the policies contained herein.


  1. The committee chair and a Board representative will be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors at its August meeting.
  2. The Board representative may also be the chair. The chair will normally be a 1-year, rotating position.
  3. These individuals will then appoint the remaining members of the committee with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  4. The committee should number 5 to 7 people total. Committee membership will be made public.
  5. A member of the committee must recuse themselves in any discussion and vote of a proposal involving the member's immediate family.
  6. A member of the committee should not be recommended by the committee to direct any show for the season being developed. Any such recommendation must be accompanied by an exlanation of the violation of the previous rule.
  7. The committee will contact all interested directors and accept suggestions from patrons and friends to develop a list of candidate shows. The committee can also recommend shows to potential directors.
  8. All guidance from the Board, as well as a copy of this policy will be given to all potential directors.
  9. All Season Development Committee members will read all of the plays being evaluated.
  10. In evaluating candidate shows, the committee should remember that the shows should be ones our patrons want to see, and that this is more important than one's personal taste.
  11. The following will be eliminated from the list of candidate shows:
    1. Any show we have done in the preceding 10 years.
    2. Any show done locally (on the Pennisula) in the last 5 years.
  12. The recommended slate should include one each of the following show types:
    1. musical
    2. comedy
    3. classic or big name draw.
  13. In presenting its report the Committee will present one full slate with 3-5 spare shows, preferably including a spare musical and a spare comedy.
  14. In addition, the report will contain all shows proposed, by whom proposed, and the reasons for rejecting each show not selected.


  1. The Committee chair and Board representative will be chosen at the August Board meeting.
  2. Gather submissions from August through October and determine the avalability of the rights.
  3. Read all shows from October to December.
  4. Submit report for the January Board meeting.
  5. The Season Development Committee chair will attend Board meetings which discuss and adopt the season.
  6. The Board will then read all the plays in the slate plus the spares prior to the If a season cannot be decided on, one more month will be allowed.
  7. The Board will inform the committee if additional candidates are to be presented.
  8. Final date for deciding the season shall be no later than the April March meeting.


  1. A Director new to the Players must serve successfully as an Assistant Director before they can direct a play. The Board can make an exception for a person with the appropriate credentials.
  2. Once a season is selected and ready to present to the Board, the Committee Chair will ensure that show rights are available from the companies holding the distribution rights (i.e., French, MTI, Dramatists, etc.), and have the Treasurer make any required payments.
  3. Two copies of the acceptance letter will be sent to each director stating the show and performance dates; one copy will be initialed and returned by the director.
  4. Scripts and scores will be ordered as required by the Committee Chair in quantity to cover:
    1. Each cast member
    2. Director
    3. Producer
    4. Musical Director, if appropriate
    5. Stage Manager
    6. Lighting Designer
    7. Set Designer
    8. Costume designer
    9. Properties Master/Mistress
    10. Library (if not already in our library)
    11. Distribute scripts to each director and the library (if required).
    12. A copy of the contract with distribution rights company will be given to:
    13. Director
    14. Treasurer
    15. Director for Publicity
    16. Director for Production
    17. Committee Chair
  5. Directors must contact the Director for Production in advance of auditions for guidance and scheduling of the first production meeting. Special concerns must be addressed in advance.
  6. Season listing with playwright, dates of run (including matinees), and a short synopses will be sent to Stage Write editor and season brochure editor post haste.
  7. The Treasurer will pay fees for royalties and scripts.
  8. Change Summary

    • /16/98 -- Initial inclusion in P&P Manual
    • /20/09 -- Extensive Revision
    • 4/9/2014 -- Web revision

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